Introduction to Prep
Abbotsholme Prep School is a dynamic community in which staff offer outstanding pastoral care within small classes so that each child feels happy, secure and supported by their class teacher, whilst enjoying the benefits of specialist teaching in a broad range of subjects. Personalised and carefully differentiated teaching allows every child to develop a love of learning and achieve their academic potential in a nurturing environment.
Learning focusses on developing pupils who are confident to challenge and question, who are creative and resilient in their approach and are reflective learners with the confidence to apply their skills and knowledge beyond the classroom.
Individual progress is carefully tracked and discussed with pupils, with the addition of support and challenge appropriate to every child. Strong home-school links are central to our school with a wide range of family events throughout the year.
Our focus on outdoor learning across the Prep School enables pupils to apply key skills through a wide variety of challenges which build strength and test courage. Our broad curriculum and diverse enrichment programme ensure that every child finds a number of areas in which to succeed so that self-confidence may flourish and pupils are prepared to take risks and readily try new things.
Our natural progression on to Senior School allows continuity and progression of skills and develops embedded school values so that our pupils become respectful, confident and happy children with strong morals and leadership skills. This solid foundation prepares pupils for future challenges equipping them with the confidence and self-belief to enjoy full and rich lives in and beyond school.