Abbotsholme School

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Independent Schools of the Year

Advisory Board

David Brown

Neil Roskilly 

Neil Roskilly has over 40 years' experience in education as a teacher, governor and headteacher. He ran the Independent Schools Association for eleven years (doubling its membership), was a long-standing board member at the Independent Schools Council (ISC), and sat on the National Council of the General Teaching Council for England. Neil advised the Department for Education and HM Treasury on education matters, as well as examinations awarding bodies, parliamentarians and other agencies. His publication credits include book contributions in areas such as school admissions, sport and selection, and for The Times & Daily Telegraph. He is a Fellow of the RGS and the RSA. He is an experienced boarding school governor, trustee of a multi-academy trust, and devotes much of his time to advising schools, parents and acting as a trustee for children's charities.