Orchard House
Orchard House is a girls' boarding house with girls aged 9 to 17 years. The house team work together to provide a homely environment where the girls are able to study in the comfort of their rooms whilst enjoy the social spaces watching films, socialising, cooking and relaxing. The house has a close caring community with clear communication structures to allow for quality care and provision.
Life in Orchard House is balanced by study, sport, creative arts and social time. The girls are expected to manage their time making sure they use all of the opportunities given to them.
The girls meet regularly with the staff to discuss their progress within boarding, school life as well as life outside of Abbotsholme. The contact with the house teams allows us to ensure that we are aware of individual talents, share the girl’s personal achievements and also embed a sense of personal and house pride.
Creating regular house meetings, year group meetings, and meeting with the house prefects allows two way communication between staff and pupils.
In Orchard House we respect others by working through differences, solving problems and allowing the girls to develop into confident young people.
All of the girls are given roles and responsibilities within the boarding house to promote a successfully smooth running community.