Life Outside the Classroom



At Abbotsholme outdoor education has a part to play in all young people’s development, no matter what their level of ability and experience. A combination of inspirational teaching and the use of positive role models raise aspirations and confidence, and helps with learning and achievement. This benefits other areas of their education and personal life, in terms of confidence, self-esteem, social awareness and decision-making. Not only this, it is real, fun and can be truly life changing.


Timetabled CAROUSEL lessons

Every Thursday afternoon,  Years 3-6 enjoy the fun and challenging aspects of our carousel programme. Taking part in either Outdoor Education, Farm and Equestrian or Performing Arts.  All pupils will have the opportunity to do all three, as each subject is studied for two half terms within the academic year.



Activities include team building, bushcraft, orienteering, climbing and kayaking in the school pool. We are very lucky to have extensive grounds, meaning that all of these activities take place on our school site.


Every October for 2 days the whole prep school goes hill walking in various local areas, staying overnight in local bunkhouses, experiencing a night away with their teachers and friends. The smaller pupils will go to Dovedale which is very local to the school, where as the older Year 6 pupils will stay and walk in the Peak District National Park which is only 30 minutes drive from the school.

Prep Camps

During the Summer Term, Years 1 – 6 participate in a multi activity camp sleeping under canvas. For years 1 & 2 this is for one night on the school sports fields, and for the older students this is for two nights in the Peak District National Park.



Realising extraordinary potential to fuel students creative individuality and professionalism through artistic performance and process.

Dance, Drama and Music play an important part of the arts at Abbotsholme and the student's enjoyment and enthusiasm is evident inside and outside the classroom with a broad range of experiences on offer to all our students accessing the professional theatre facilities available here.

Students have a wealth of opportunities for participation and performance at all ability levels.

Every student has the opportunity to take part in a variety of performances throughout the year and work with talented professionals. The Performing Arts work collaboratively with other subjects to embed the arts into lessons across the curriculum, giving opportunities for our children to explore role-play, public speaking, characterisation and many other skills. Children also participate in full length performances to visiting audiences throughout the year to celebrate their achievements.

Performing Arts at Abbotsholme aims to bring out the very best in every child.



From Reception class up all pupils have timetabled hands on time on the Farm, working with the animals and undertaking practical and useful tasks. By Year 7 pupils begin the Level 1 BTEC in Agriculture, which they can continue to study at Level 2 and even 3 throughout the senior school.



Pupils participate in a wide range of inclusive structured sporting activities during curriculum PE and Games lessons. From reception class they are taught by specialist PE staff, coached and nurtured so that basic gross motor skills are enhanced and promoted within a competitive situation.

As a school we believe that our sporting talent starts within prep school and we look to enhance and develop all basic skills in a number of different sports so that when the pupil transfers to senior school they already have a very wide set skill base, ready to learn more advanced skills and tactics.

As well as lunch time and after school clubs, pupils in Reception to Year 2 enjoy regular sporting festivals which develop the core skills applicable to a wide range of sports, and allows pupils to compete from a young age against other schools within the district. Year 3 – 6 compete within the East Staffordshire District in a range of different sports with great success.

The major games for boys are football, hockey and cricket and the girls compete in netball, hockey, rounders and cricket. In addition, pupils enjoy lessons and regular success in athletics, cross country and swimming events. Achievements are celebrated during weekly chapel assemblies, as well as the end of year Prep Sports Dinner.

Talented sport students who play at a high level outside of school regularly represent Abbotsholme in higher age groups. Staff support pupils who are absent due to sporting commitments and ensure they catch up with academic work.