Duke of Edinburgh


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme (D of E) is a highly valued and nationally recognised developmental programme for young people. The prestigious Gold Award is very well respected by prospective employers and university admissions staff. Many Old Abbotsholmians look back on what they learnt and experienced in undertaking the Award with great fondness and appreciation. We actively encourage the Duke of Edinburgh Award as we believe it offers an excellent way for individual pupils to grow and develop, beyond what is learnt in the classroom.

At Abbotsholme School the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme is open to all pupils in Year 9 and above. It is a non-competitive programme and requires commitment and responsibility. It is enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding and achievable by all.

In Year 9 all pupils participate in the Bronze award. In Year 10 pupils opt to participate in the Silver award and pupils in the Sixth Form are offered entry onto the Gold Award. It is not necessary to have completed the previous level to begin a Silver or Gold award.


At Abbotsholme, our extensive extra-curricular programme and excellent facilities enable us to offer pupils a very wide range of opportunities to complete sections of their Awards. The farm, equestrian centre, theatre, music department, sports centre, climbing wall and school estate all help us facilitate pupil achievement in the Award Scheme. However, pupils are also free to use out-of-school activities to complete their award if they so choose.

Our expertise, facilities and contacts in the field of outdoor education also enables us to offer our pupils a range of options for their expeditions. Recent groups have completed ventures by open canoe on the River Spey in Scotland.

Once pupils have completed an Award at Bronze level, their achievement is recognised with the presentation of a badge and certificate in Chapel. Once they complete the Award at Gold level their badge is awarded during Chapel within school and pupils travel to Buckingham Palace in London to receive their certificate from a member of the Royal family.

For further information about the Duke of Edinburgh at Abbotsholme School please contact the Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator Joy Holmes by e-mail, at joy.holmes@abbotsholme.co.uk

For general information about the D of E please check the website at www.dofe.org