Academic Life

At Abbotsholme we want our pupils to develop a love of learning. We nurture enquiring minds and recognise the individual talents of each and every pupil.

In the classroom all pupils are encouraged to do their best, to challenge themselves and to learn from mistakes. Resilience is promoted and pupils are challenged beyond their comfort zone. Class sizes are small with high levels of individual attention given by specialist teachers who really get to know their pupils. Teachers engage pupils in a variety of ways which suit individual learning styles, pupils are given clear steps for improvement and technology is harnessed to aid effective learning.

The curriculum develops key skills whilst broadening horizons. Pupils’ pathways are tailored as they progress throughout the School, ensuring maximum success for the future. Our Learning Skills team also offer additional support and challenge for pupils at all stages in their development.

We recognise the strengths and individuality of each of our pupils, harness their abilities, and allow them to flourish. We want our students to develop a lifelong love of learning and we think they learn best when they are happy and actively involved in their education. Our teachers inspire a love of learning and nurture enquiring minds.

An essential element of nurture is providing just the right level of challenge. We give our pupils the confidence to be ambitious, determined and independent so they can discover their own potential. Our pupils are not pushed but they learn to drive themselves.

The academic programme promotes challenge via the use of innovative and inventive lessons. Our aims are to inspire self-reliance and the development of a growth mindset amongst pupils. Resilience and self-confidence are cultivated by dedicated and enthusiastic teachers, who create a learning environment that challenges and supports every pupil’s learning and personal development.

Pupils at Abbotsholme become independent, inquisitive and work enthusiastically to achieve their goals.



Class sizes are small, allowing individual attention from subject teachers. Traditional approaches blend with the latest technology to produce a varied and stimulating academic programme. All senior pupils have an allocated iPad to use in the classroom and to support their independent learning.

We make no apologies for the fact that learning will be hard. It is meant to be! We also stress independence: parents and teachers cannot and will not learn on a pupils’ behalf or do their thinking for them.

While our emphasis is on independence, help is on hand throughout the learning journey. Our Learning Development team are also here to help if any pupil needs additional support or challenge.

Stretch and Challenge is our programme for extending all learners to their limits. An exciting and individualised approach, this enables pupils to experience stimulating teaching beyond the examination specifications and ensures that there are no ceilings to achievement.



For further details about individual course information and the subject offering at Abbotsholme, please see the Option Booklet below:


GCSE Options Booklet 2020/22

GCSE Options Booklet 2023/25