Life after Abbotsholme

What will you be when you grow up? This time old question is more relevant today than ever before. On average a person will change careers completely every seven years and it is imperative that you have a broad idea of type of work you enjoy participating in to allow for an effective and enjoyable career. Careers education at Abbotsholme starts in year 8 and runs all the way through to when students are leaving for employment and university.

We strongly believe in the benefits of psychometric questionnaires, not in informing students on what they should do but to allow them to think about jobs and careers which they may not have thought about in the past. All students take a short questionnaire in year 9 and then year 11 and both are accompanied by a follow up interview with a careers advisor to help the students to air their ideas and objectives can be established on how to obtain their dream jobs.


Abbotsholme’s Career programme aims to provide the following:

  • To provide guidance to help pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into the world of work.
  • Deliver individual and group discussions with an objective and impartial advisor who can work with the pupil towards reaching their educational and career goals.
  • To improve the development of occupational awareness through career fairs and outside speakers.
  • Give advice and support at key transition points through questionnaires and interviews on what educational and career path may suit the pupil’s skills and core competencies. Targeted career support, advice and interviews will take place during the following years:
    • Year 9 – GCSE/BTEC options
    • Year 11 – Sixth Form, College, Employment or Apprenticeships
    • Year 13 – University, Employment, Apprenticeship or a Gap Year
  • Identifying skills for employability. We aim to foster self-reliance, people skills and interpersonal communication, general employment skills such as time management and financial management and specialist skills such as IT skills.
  • Community Interaction. Pupils’ interactions with the local wider community have a significant influence on their preconceptions about the world of work and their decision making. We aim to promote this through Duke of Edinburgh, Round Square, the Careers Fair and Work Experience placements.